This page features news items, announcements, events and courses concerned wholly or partly with pilot or feasibility studies which are open for people to attend and might be of interest, as well as details of past events and courses that were once listed here.
To add something to this noticeboard please contact us.

Mini webinar series on pilot and feasibility studies
New webinar series on pilot and feasibility studies…
Presentation on pilot and feasibility studies for pragmatic cluster randomised trials
New resource: Presentation on pilot and feasibility studies for pragmatic cluster randomised trials
CONSORT extension for pilot and feasibility randomised trials published
Published 21 October 2016
The Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT) statement is a guideline designed to improve the transparency and quality of the reporting of randomised controlled trials …
Events coming up
PAFS Workshop at ICTMC conference 2022
PAFS Workshop coming up at ICTMC conference…
Past events
PAFS Workshop at ICTMC conference
PAFS Workshop at ICTMC conference…
SCT 40th Annual Meeting
New Orleans, May 2019
Featuring Workshop on ‘Introducing CONSORT extension to pilot trials and future plans’
Workshop on pilot and feasibility studies
Keele University, Staffordshire 24 September 2018
Featuring workshop on ‘Pilot studies’This is a one-day workshop for anyone (health professionals, clinicians,
Pride and Pragmatism: Celebrating 50 Years of Pragmatic Trials
London 28 September 2017
Featuring Course on ‘Pilot and Feasibility Studies’
International Society for Clinical Biostatistics conference
Vigo July 2017
Featuring Presentation on ‘Conceptual framework and development of CONSORT extension guidelines
38th Annual meeting of the Society for Clinical Trials and the 4th International Clinical Trials Methodology Conference
Liverpool May 2017
Featuring Workshop on ‘Understanding, reporting and conducting pilot and feasibility trials’.
37th Society for Clinical Trials conference
Montreal May 2016
Featuring Workshop on ‘Introduction to and objectives of pilot/feasibility studies’
2nd Clinical Trials Methodology Conference
Edinburgh November 2013
Featuring Post-conference Workshop on ‘Developing CONSORT Guidelines
34th Society for Clinical Trials conference
Boston May 2013
Featuring Invited Workshop on ‘Developing CONSORT Guidelines
Health Services Research & Pharmacy Practice Conference (HSRPP)
Reading April 2016
Featuring Workshop on ‘Understanding, conducting and reporting pilot and feasibility trials’