About this website
This website is designed to support those conducting pilot and feasibility studies using randomised and non-randomised designs and those carrying out methodological research on these types of studies.
We aim to keep the site updated with the latest publications and guidelines, as well as discussions and events related to pilot and feasibility studies. Visit our resources for pilot and feasibility studies and noticeboard pages to find out more.
We recognise that this website is unlikely ever to contain an exhaustive list of resources. However, we want it to be as useful as possible and we therefore welcome contributions from the research community to help us keep it up to date.
For more information on how this website was created, see the following editorial published in Pilot and Feasibility Studies.
Please contact us with feedback, items for our notice-board, or suggestions for resources to add.
Latest posts

Mini webinar series on pilot and feasibility studies
New webinar series on pilot and feasibility studies…
Presentation on pilot and feasibility studies for pragmatic cluster randomised trials
New resource: Presentation on pilot and feasibility studies for pragmatic cluster randomised trials
CONSORT extension for pilot and feasibility randomised trials published
Published 21 October 2016
The Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT) statement is a guideline designed to improve the transparency and quality of the reporting of randomised controlled trials …
PAFS Workshop at ICTMC conference 2022
PAFS Workshop coming up at ICTMC conference…
PAFS Workshop at ICTMC conference
PAFS Workshop at ICTMC conference…
SCT 40th Annual Meeting
New Orleans, May 2019
Featuring Workshop on ‘Introducing CONSORT extension to pilot trials and future plans’
Workshop on pilot and feasibility studies
Keele University, Staffordshire 24 September 2018
Featuring workshop on ‘Pilot studies’This is a one-day workshop for anyone (health professionals, clinicians,